Welcome Back Maroubra Bay Public 2025
Welcome Back Maroubra Bay Public 2025
P&C General meetings are held on the 4th and 8th Wednesday of each term at 6:30 pm unless otherwise communicated. The meetings are an opportunity for parents and carers to find out what's happening at the school and to be involved in decision-making on issues that arise during the year. Ms Jovanovska or a member of the School Executive Team attends each meeting and is happy to answer any questions.
Team Kids, the MBPS OOSH care provider will provide on-site child childcare for meeting attendees who need to bring their kids.
Annual membership to the MBPS Parents and Citizens Association is $2.
Being a member means you can vote on any issues that arise for the year and helps support the P&C. You have access to the minutes of the P&C meetings to read about what action has been taken.
If paying online, it will be $2.05. $0.05 covers the online payment fees.
If you are interested in getting involved in the P&C AGM take a look at the attached role outlines,
and get in touch with us maroubrabaypandc@gmail.com
MBPS P&C Membership
Annual membership to the MBPS Parents and Citizens Association.