Welcome Back Maroubra Bay Public 2025
Welcome Back Maroubra Bay Public 2025
It might have been a bit wet, but it could not dampen the spirits of Maroubra Bay Public School as we celebrated 100 years
in style at our Centenary Carnival. There were rides, stalls and a sausage or 500 eaten by the many visitors who came and helped us enjoy the day!
Amazing work team, such a great community event and a fun day had by all.
Thanks to Bel and Heaven for their vision and leadership, thanks to Sandra for her tireless efforts on the website/square/payments etc, thanks to Siegmar for sorting the money/payments, to Lexi for organising the rides.
Also to Katrina and Lauren -- so many hours and so many beautiful handmade paper flowers! And Esther who has lived in the garden and made it thrive! And Prasan without whom we would have had no foodtrucks! All the stall coordinators who gathered books, bbq-ed sausages, made popcorn, sprayed hair in all kinds of colours, put together great raffle prizes and sold out all the baked goodies! And to Christy for keeping us calm and on course when it got rocky.
It was a great success.
Thank you for making our community awesome!!
MBPS P&C Membership
Annual membership to the MBPS Parents and Citizens Association.