Welcome Back Maroubra Bay Public 2025
Welcome Back Maroubra Bay Public 2025
At Maroubra Bay Public School we are very proud of our school garden. Esther our resident horticulturalist works with our students and volunteers, guiding them in all things gardening, from the importance of worms to when to plant your sunflowers. Getting out in a green space is so beneficial to student life here at MBPS and we feel really lucky to have such a fantastic garden where students can learn and grow.
The garden club is on Monday lunchtime and is a great opportunity for all students to come and learn about gardening through actively helping in the garden with activities like weeding, planting, and mulching. We can always do with more parent volunteers. If you can spare some time please reach out to us.
We run monthly gardening bees on the first Saturday of every month (weather permitting) where parents and students can come and get involved in the care of our school garden. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and help our garden grow. look out for the dates listed in our P&C newsletter or join the gardening WhatsApp group below to keep up to date.
You can message Esther on WhatsApp
MBPS P&C Membership
Annual membership to the MBPS Parents and Citizens Association.